April 1911, No. 158 | The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) | Page 345, col. 1 |
Canadian Northern Ry. construction, etc.
Canadian Northern Ontario Ry.—In a recent interview Sir Donald Mann is reported to have stated that the new line from Ottawa to Montréal would be completed this year, but it was not likely that it would be opened for passenger service. The line between Ottawa and Toronto would also be completed this year. The grading was well forward, and the engineers were getting within sight of the finish.
In connection with the building of these two lines the Board of Railway Commissioners has issued a number of orders as to the diversion of roads, crossing of highways, bridges and buildings, and approving location of line through Lanark county, mileage 29 to mileage 37. 8. It is expected that the first portion of the Toronto-Ottawa line to be opened will extend from Toronto to Belleville, 120 miles.
The question of the approval of the company's plans for its line across North Toronto came before the Board of Railway Commissioners Feb. 26, and opposition was withdrawn by the C.P.R., whose line will be paralleled. The city authorities favored the C.N.O.R. plans, and the Commissioners decided to go over the route before giving any decision.
After having considered for some time the plans for the company's proposed lines in Hamilton, the city council. Mar. 9, decided not to recede from the position it had assumed that no more level crossings would be allowed. It was stated on Mar. 10 that the company's engineers would be withdrawn at once, and nothing in the way of construction considered for a couple of years. The land agents are reported to be closing out the options on the property acquired, the tenants being notified that possession will not be required for at least two years. The city engineer stated Mar. 10 that he had been informed by H. K. Wicksteed. the company's Chief Engineer of Surveys, that when the plans for the route in the city were filed nothing objectionable would be found in them. Press reports state that It is expected that construction will be started during the current year on the building of the line between the present end of track, on the line from Toronto, now terminating at Gowganda Jct., and Port Arthur. Ont. It is stated that work will gone on with from both ends, and that it will be completed within three years. The Board of Railway Commissioners has approved revised locations on this line between mileage 65.9 and 69.5 from Sudbury Jct.; approved location from mileage 240 to 560 from Sudbury Jct., and approved revised locations between mileage 55.78 and 57.16, and between mileage 57.85 and 58.45 in Thunder Bay district.
Press reports Mar. 21 stated that the company proposed building a line of some sort from the line near Gowganda Jct., into the Porcupine country, surveys for which had been completed by the company's engineers. This report is premature, as. while consideration is being given to the proposal to build such a line, nothing has been decided.