January 1910, No. 143 The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 53, col. 3

C.N.R. Québec-Ottawa Line.—The Canadian Northern Québec Ry. announces the establishment of the only through passenger service between Ottawa and Québec, also the improvement of its already excellent trains between Montréal and Québec. Trains leave Ottawa 8.30 p.m. and Montréal 11.45 p.m., arriving in Québec 7.20 a.m. daily, and leave Québec at 11 p.m., reaching Montréal at 6.20 a.m. and Ottawa at 9.45 a.m. The opening of the new Québec-Ottawa line also provides a short route to the Dominion capital through the Eastern Townships and the lower St. Lawrence via Lévis.

Railways: C.N.Q.Ry.

