Wednesday, October 22, 1919 The Globe (Toronto) Page 7, col. 8

Canadian National Railways

Central Region

New station and platforms—Hamilton.

Sealed tenders, marked on the outside "confidential," and "Tender for New Station, Hamilton" and addressed to Mr. T. T. Irving, Chief Engineer, Canadian National Railways, Room 436, New Union Station, Toronto 2, Ont., will be received up to 12.00 o'clock noon, November 14th, 1929.

Forms of tender and instructions for tendering may be obtained at the offices of the Superintendent of Buildings, Room 1247, C. N. Express Building, 20 York Street, Toronto, and the Architect, Room 703, C. N. Express Building, McGill and St. Paul Streets, Montréal; and plans, specifications and form of contract may be seen at the above offices and copies obtained on depositing a certified cheque, made payable to the Treasurer, Canadian National Railways, for an amount of $50.00, which will be refunded on return of plans and specifications to the Railway in good condition within thirty days after award of contract. Tenders will not be considered unless submitted on the forms supplied by the Railway and in accordance with the instructions for tendering.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

W. A. Kingsland
General Manager

Toronto, October 26, 1929.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Hamilton

