Friday, December 15, 1899 | The Newmarket Era | Page 1, col. 7 |
The Schomberg railway.
The following letter explains the cause of delay in the construction of the above railway.
We understand that many Schomberg people are anxious for the road to connect with Newmarket, and if the delay opens up the route to the Hub of North York, where the traffic actually concentrates, being the centre of municipal, political and commercial life, it will indeed be providential. Newmarket has not made any special effort to bring the line here, but it begins to look as if, in the natural course of events, it was coming our way. Let it come! The people of King Township will find that when North York becomes a separate County, with Newmarket for its County Town, that they have made no mistake in obtaining connection at this point.
Following is a copy of
President Warren's letter.
Toronto, Dec. 1st, 1899.
S. Lemon, Esq.,
Reeve Township of King,
Schomberg, Ont.Dear Sir:
Re Schomberg & Aurora Ry. It is due to the Municipality that an explanation should be given why the constriction of the Company's Railway has not been proceeded with.
Sufficient construction has been done to preserve the Company's rights to construct its chartered line, and a subsidy agreement has been entered into and executed by the Crown, but great delay has been caused owing to the inability of the Company's engineer to find a line which would be accepted by the Department of Railways. The line projected by the Company and believed by its engineers to be the most available was submitted to the Department of Railways some months ago, but the Company was informed that the Department was not prepared to accept the line. Every effort was thereupon made to find a better line on which the grades were less steep than upon the line first projected, but these efforts did not result in success.
The matter was then represented to the Department of Railways and the Deputy Minister of Railways was requested to send an engineer of his Department to go over the different lines, the Company being only too willing to accept a line upon which the grades were less steep than upon the line proposed.
The Engineer of the Dept. of Railways was lately gone over the lines, and is, we believe, now preparing his report, which we are most anxious to receive, and which alone prevents our proceeding with the construction. We beg that you will lay this matter before the Council at its next meeting.
Yours truly,
The Schomberg & Aurora Ry.
C. D. Warren.
Railways: S. & A.Ry.