February 1905, No. 84 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 51, col. 1

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Ry.—The Ontario Government Commissioners having in charge the construction of this line took over the completed portion of the line from North Bay to New Liskeard, Ont., 112 miles, from the contractors, Jan. 14. For some time past the line has been operated by the contractors, a regular freight and passenger service being maintained. The C.P.R. terminals at North Bay are being used under agreement, but the line has its own freight yard. Beyond New Liskeard the line has been located for 65 miles; grading has been completed for about 40 miles, and track has been laid for 22 miles, or eight miles beyond Tomstown. Surveys are being carried on beyond the 65 mile point to Lake Abitibbi, near which it is expected the Moncton-Winnipeg line, which the Dominion Government is about to construct in connection with the Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. project, will pass. (Jan., pg. 15.)

Railways: C.P.Ry., G.T.P.Ry., T. & N.O.Ry.

