February 1899, No. 12 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 60, col. 1 |
Electric railways.
Lines in Ontario
Metropolitan St. Ry.—A special committee of York County Council recently reported having come to an agreement with the Council of Aurora regarding the extension of the road from Richmond Hill to the latter place. The gauge is to be 4 ft. 8 1/2 in., & the road to be built to the satisfaction of the County Engineer.
At a recent meeting of a committee of Toronto City Council City Engineer Rust explained that at present the gauges of the Toronto Ry. Co. & the Metropolitan were the same, about 4 ft. 11 in., but that a change to 4 ft. 8 1/2 ins. had been suggested on the northern line. He had heard that the explanation of this lay in the desire of the C.P.R. to carry its freight cars down the line, so as to compete with the G.T.R. It would make it awkward if the Metropolitan made the change.
A. H. St. Germain is agitating for a cancellation of the 15 years' extension of franchise given the Metropolitan Co. over a year ago by York County Council, on the ground that the Co.'s undertakings have not been performed.