June 1904, No. 76 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 187, col. 1

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


James Bay Ry.—Application is being made at the current session of the Dominion Parliament for an act extending the time for the commencement and completion of the company lines between Toronto and James Bay, and authorizing the leasing, or purchasing or amalgamation with the Great Northern Ry. of Canada, the Chateaugay and Northern Ry., and the Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa Ry.

The Ontario Legislature has passed an act authorizing the guarantee of bonds of the company for 30 years to the extent of $20,000 at mile at 3 1/2%, respect of the construction of a railway from Toronto to Sudbury, about 240 miles. The line as projected will pass through the east side of York county and west side of Ontario county, east of Lake Simcoe and on to Sudbury midway between the G.T.R. and Georgian Bay. It will cross the G.T.R. at one or two places, and the Canada Atlantic Ry. near Parry Sound. The company already has constructed a line 4.50 miles in length from Québec siding on the C.A. Ry. into Parry Sound. Subsidies in cash and land have already been voted for portions of the line by the Legislature, but these are now cancelled. A Dominion subsidy was voted in 1903 in respect of the line from Toronto to Subdury. The estimated cost of the line was $30,000 a mile, with an additional $2,000 or $3,000 a mile for equipment. The act provides that work will be commenced at once, and completed within four years, and that the Government will hold as security for its guarantee a first mortgage on the line. The bill provides that running rights shall be given over the line to the C.P.R. from Sudbury to Toronto, and it was hoped by the Government that the C.P.R would facilitate reasonable business arrangement for running rights over the C.P.R. west of Sudbury.

H. K. Wicksteed, who is in charge of the surveys of the line, in an interview at Parry Sound stated that the engineers were out on survey at various points between Parry Sound and Toronto, but that their work was being very much hampered by bad roads. The location surveys will be gone on will as fast as possible. Generally the projected route would follow the Don river leaving Toronto, and would pass Richmond Hill somewhat to the east, thence to Ballantrae, crossing the Sutton branch of the G.T.R. near Stouffville, thence swinging round to the east side of Lake Simcoe. Thence through Orillia and northerly on the west side of Lake Couchiching, northward to Bala, and then on to a junction with the company's existing line. From Parry Sound to Sudbury the line has been practically located. A plan and profile of the line as located from mileage 72.13 to mileage 109.68 from Parry Sound northerly has been approved by the Board of Railway Commissioners. The sharpest curve is 6°40'—860 ft. radius—and the steepest gradient is 1%. (Mar., pg. 98.)

Railways: C.A.Ry., C.P.Ry., G.N.Ry. of Can., G.T.Ry., I.B. & O.Ry., J.B.Ry.

