February 1907, No. 108 | The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) | Page 101, col. 2 |
Canadian Northern Railway construction.
Canadian Northern Ontario Ry.—The contractors have several gangs of men engaged upon the rock cuttings east of Rockland, Ont., on the line from Hawkesbury to Ottawa. There are 30 trestles to be built, several of them being over 400 ft. in length, and construction on these has been delayed owing to difficulty in obtaining the necessary timber. A spur line of about a mile will be laid in L'Orignal, and spur tracks will also be constructed to the pulp mills, and the Hawkesbury Lumber Co.'s premises. The line is expected to be completed into Ottawa in Sept.
The plans for the entrance of the lines from the east into Toronto and from the James Bay section of the line are being considered by the Minister of Railways. Survey parties are in the field upon location work between Toronto and Ottawa, between Key Inlet and Ottawa, and upon various branch lines throughout western Ontario, for the construction of which authority is being asked at the current session of the Dominion Parliament.
A contract has been let to the Central Contracting Co. for the construction of the Nepigon Ry. from Nepigon, on Lake Superior, to Lake Nepigon, about 40 miles. No work has as yet been done, but the location is being revised. The Ontario Legislature will be asked at its current sesrion to pass an act extending the time for the commencement and completion of the projected railway, and authorizing an amalgamation with the Canadian Northern Ontario Ry.
Railways: C.N.O.Ry.
Stations: Hawkesbury