February 1910, No. 144 | The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) | Page 137, col. 1 |
National Transcontinental Railway.
Reports from New Brunswick, Jan. 6, stated that track had been laid west to Nappadoggan Lake; that work was then going on, and. would be continued throughout the winter, unless the weather became too severe. On the section from Moncton westerly for 50 miles, work was closed down Jan. 5. On this section only 10 miles more track has to be laid to complete it. Ballasting will be commenced early in the spring, and it is expected to have everything fully completed by Aug. 18, when the line has to be handed over to the original contractor, the G.T. Pacific Ry. Co.
Replying to a question in the House at Commons, Jan. 19, the Minister of Railways stated there was no record of the amounts claimed by the contractors on District A, but the amounts returned by the engineers, from Dec. 13, 1908, to Jan. 13, 1910, under the terms of the respective contracts, and paid by the Commissioners were shown in the statement fol1owlng:—
Contract Name of contractor Solid rock Loose Rock Common Excavation Total Amount paid 1. Mileage 0-50 from Moncton Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. $49,963.50 $294,851.21 $10,176.30 $894,732.22 2. Mileage 50 to 58 J. W. McMannus & Co. 26,500.50 12,971.25 1,053.58 153,227.55 3. Mileage 58 to 164 Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. 47,813.63 99,425.70 33,608.97 454,714.35 4. Mileage 58 to 164 Grand Trunk Pacific Ry. 51,4435.58 228,98.84 39,443.04 1,113,723.82 5. Mileage 164 to 195 Willard Kitchen & Co. 54,9937.40 71,955.14 1,879.20 1,235,677.62 6. Mileage 195 to 255 Lyons & White 99,623.25 110,667.60 18,850.05 519,171.51 J. D. McArthur, contractor, stated in Ottawa recently that the section of the line between Winnipeg and Lake Superior Jct., Ont., would be handed over to the Commissioners July 1. Considerable ballasting and incidental work has still to be done.
Railways: N.T.Ry.